Vahan SMS 7738299899
Great initiative by Road Transport Ministry
There is some different charm of buying your own vehicle that too with your hard earned money. No matter whether the vehicle is second hand or brand new, still it holds a special place in your life especially when you wanted to buy the same for a very long time. However, buying a vehicle comes with a lot of legal and moral obligations. You cannot hit the road without insurance, registration certificate, and pollution certificate. Driving without all these documents may land you in legal trouble and you may end up paying a huge fine.

Obtaining the same for a brand new vehicle is not that complicated, but if you are planning to hire an agent to obtain the same for you then you can’t be sure of the genuineness of your RC even after paying the entire amount. Same is the case with the second-hand vehicle, here you may not need to go for fresh registration but it is imperative to get all the documents transferred on your name, and here also you can’t be sure of the authenticity of the documents that have been provided to you.
As a buyer, it is really difficult to assess the genuineness of the documents especially when there is no fixed format of RC in our country. Not only it varies region wise but the format also keeps on changing every now and then. In many regions, you may find RC in paper format, whereas in some regions these RCs are available in smart card format. Lack of uniformity is one of the major reasons behind such fraudulent activities.
Here are some of the ways through which you can judge whether the documents especially RC provided to you is genuine or not:
• Pay attention to the color and font formatting of the document. In fake RC, there will be color and font variation whereas in genuine RC you will not find font variation and there will be no change in the shade of colors.
• Make sure to check the color of the stamp, original RC will have standard purple color whereas, in fake RC, you may find variation in color.
However, these are not sure shot ways of checking the authenticity and that is why RTO has come up with steady and worth mentioning solution for the same.
An initiative by Road Transport Ministry
Looking at the increased number of fraudulent cases, Road transport Ministry in association with National informatics Centre has come with a solution where one can easily get the details about the vehicle by sending an SMS. It will be a web-based application, wherein the person can send SMS to 7738299899 by typing VAHAN followed by RC number. You will get revert with all the details regarding said vehicle within a few minutes of sending the SMS. Not only this, but you can also cross verify the genuineness of anybody’s license by sending “SARDL” followed by 8790499899.
Conclusion: It is a great initiative by Road transport Ministry, it will surely help to curb down the increasing number of frauds happening with people who lose their hard earned money by buying vehicles which are either stolen or are not manufactured in the year mentioned on the RC.